Politics is the group of political activities which are concerned with making political decisions in societies, groups, or political parties among other members, including the distribution of power and status to those who hold office, or other kinds of authority. Politics is an area of study which is concerned with public policies and institutions, organized around particular polities and philosophies. Some of the key topics of politics are political systems, constitutional system, political institutions, social science, philosophy of law and government, history of politics, political theory, political leadership, and policy making. Politics also involves a number of sub-fields like biography, history and politics, international political activism, national government and institution, constitutional change, constitutional conventions, European politics, world politics, and American government. The field of politics was highly regarded in ancient days as the forum for powerful debate and controversy where ideas were exchanged and criticized. It has played an important role in shaping the modern world.
Politics research seeks to understand the origins of political systems and how politics influences the decision-making process and how individuals make decisions. It is also interested in understanding the relationships among individuals in the political system, politics, and organizations. Allocating resources is one of the most important tasks of politics research.
The current world scenario and various processes of globalization have shown a remarkable increase in the number of people suffering from different kinds of disability. Different studies have been conducted to know about the issues and difficulties faced by people with disability in different aspects of society. All these aspects have been considered important factors affecting people with disabilities in politics system. Various programs are suggested for the betterment of people with disabilities who are interested in pursuing a career in politics. Some of these programs include creating awareness on disability, creating accessible forums for dialogue, designing policies and programs for people with disabilities, providing online training and facilitating forums, etc. An online database of disability-friendly offices is also available online.
Politics and social science have always been interlinked. Early politics was based on religion and social power, while the modern era politics has given way to a new form of politics which is economic. Disability in politics does not come as a surprise anymore. Politics is not only affecting the lives of disabled people; it is also affecting the lives of normal people. People are starting to understand that disability is just an extra burden which can be lifted by taking appropriate political participation. This realization is starting to create awareness in the society.
People with disabilities must take political participation seriously and should learn how to participate effectively in politics. There are several barriers that people with disabilities face in politics. The main barrier is the absence of a sense of purpose and motivation in politics. In fact, a disability can hamper the desire to participate in politics.
Another barrier that hinders the process of political participation is lack of understanding of how voting works. Lack of understanding of how voting works is one of the reasons why most citizens do not vote. The low voter turnout is one of the major barriers to the success of any government and any political party. Therefore, it is imperative for any party to make sure that they understand the importance of voters and their right to vote.
Politics also has another word in etymology which is demos. Etymology suggests that demos, being the plural of demos, signifies demos, the people. So, literally, it means “the people” or “the people at large.” Therefore, this word signifies the entire nation or population at large. It is evident from the etymology that politics and the demos go hand in hand.
Politics and the demos are closely linked, and they cannot be separated from each other. Politics and the demos go hand in hand due to the importance of politics in making or breaking a country. Thus, the entire structure of modern polity is founded on the relationship between politics and the demos. This is why every president of the country takes an oath of office to support the Constitution of the country, and further, he or she is elected for that purpose, so that the will of the people is fulfilled.